ATI110.ZIP 63,931 02-01-94 INIUPDate v1.10: utility designed for networadministrators who manage Windows on a LAN;allows you to easily add new applications tothe LAN, prevent users from makingmodifications to INI files, provide better
support to your end users; note that this isa DOS pgm that modifies an INI file bycomparing the Keys & Values in the INI fileto a Master INI file; 02/01/94; AbramsTechnologies.
CLOCKR23.ZIP 118,549 01-08-94 Clocker 2.3 A personal/network programscheduler for Windows 3.1 (C) 1993-1994Winnovation Clocker is designed to scheduleprograms (or reminders) to be run at ascheduled time. Both a private schedule and a
shared network schedule can be active at thesame time.
COMDRI11.ZIP 11,103 06-03-94 Allows a PC to share its disk drives withanother PC via the serial port and null modemcable. Works on the background, allowingsystem #1 to access system #2's disk driveswhile system #2 is performing other tasks
(and visa versa). This process is "peer topeer"; each system can access the other'sdisk drives. To prevent potential FileAllocation Table (FAT) mishaps, the remotedrive in either case cannot be written to.
DMLOGN64.ZIP 25,793 06-16-94 DMlogin - is a DOS menu login utility.
DOSQUE.ZIP 39,388 06-22-94 DOSque - is a queue system for network andDOS stand-alone environments.
EMAIL317.ZIP 56,118 07-20-94 Email v3.17: MS-Windows network e-mail pgmthat sends text messages, attaches files, popup notification (you can turn if off),archive messages, creates distribution lists,etc req VBRUN300.DLL; 07/20/94; Richard
Wagner/ Ivory Tower Software.
GE_202.ZIP 617,012 07-22-94 GroupEase - is a set of personal productivitytools for offices that use Windows in anetworked environment. A handy toolbarprovides access to business card data,personal notes and reminders, phone messages,
and on-line chat.
IPXRTR.ZIP 278,324 02-09-94 Ipx Router Guie For Programmers File Is APostscript File
LAIR312E.ZIP 4780,764 06-30-94 LAN Inventory Version 3.1.2 6/30/94 by McAfeeAssociates, Inc. Asset and configurationmanagement EVALUATION Version. Req: Win 3.1,NW3/4
LAN204.ZIP 127,258 04-01-94 LAN Menu 2.04 (Network Menu) MicroFox CompanyMenu and Security System for DOS and NetworksLAN204.ZIP Network Menu, Help, & User GuideLotus 1-2-3 style menu system with passwordprotection, telephone dialer, on-line help,
built-in network support and mouse support.Screen Blanker, 10,000 menu entries, macrosand menu action functions. (Author: Jim Hass)Member of [ASAD] <ASP> and {STAR}
LANCHAT.ZIP 9,994 06-09-94 Chat for PC Lan's - allows you to chat inreal time with other users on the LAN in asimilar way to the CIS CB facility. RequiresVBRUN300.
LSCR301E.ZIP 3287,727 06-29-94 LAN Support Center Version 3.0.1 6/30/94 byMcAfee Associates, Inc. Help desk/troubleticket system EVALUATION Version. Req: Win 3.1
LSNN9301.ZIP 18,847 04-04-94 IBM LAN systems network news.
LSNN9302.ZIP 21,292 04-04-94 IBM LAN systems network news.
LSNN9303.ZIP 24,475 04-04-94 IBM LAN systems network news.
LSNN9304.ZIP 31,082 04-04-94 IBM LAN systems network news.
LSNN9405.ZIP 40,371 04-04-94 Ibm lan systems network news.
MTCPB2.ZIP 514,480 04-20-94 MS 32-BIT TCP/IP stack for WfW 3.11, the bet2 version.
MYMUD11.ZIP 205,357 04-17-94 LiveSystems MyMUD 1.1 MyMUD is a multiuseradventuregame usable on networks, undermultitastkers and standalone (one player!).The game is modelled after TinyMUD with a fewimprovements. Full Pascal source is included,
together with a database to get you started.
NBB125.ZIP 20,806 03-19-94 Network Bulletin Board v1.25: add-in productfor Ivory Tower Software's Network Email thatallows you to post public messages on thebulletin board and browse messages by topic;req VBRUN300.DLL; 03/19/94; Richard Wagner/
Ivory Tower Software.
NCHAT.ZIP 13,373 06-16-94 Network Chat - is an add-in product for IvoryTower Software's popular freeware product,Network Email. It provides a real-time text"chat" mode for your LAN friends andcoworkers. Requires VBRUN300.
NETBAC.ZIP 22,662 03-11-94 Backup Unlimited Network Shares for Windows
NETPM105.ZIP 304,561 07-21-94 NetPM v1.05 is a LAN Server 3.0Administrator's tool and performance monitor.
NWANSI11.ZIP 18,821 03-17-94 NW_ANSI v1.1 - If ANSI driver installed, setERRORLEVEL. Excellent for network batch filesthat need to make sure the end user still hasan ANSI driver loaded! By Steve Meirowsky ofNew World Designs.
NWFHC11.ZIP 18,589 03-17-94 NW_FHCNT v1.1 - Return file handle count inERRORLEVEL. Excellent for network batch filesthat need to make sure the end user has notchanged 'files' in config.sys. By SteveMeirowsky of New World Designs.
NWSHAR11.ZIP 18,624 03-17-94 NW_SHARE v1.1 - If SHARE driver installed,set ERRORLEVEL. Excellent for network batchfiles that need to make sure the end userstill has a SHARE driver loaded! By SteveMeirowsky of New World Designs.
Q106266.ZIP 3,912 03-03-94 Microsoft tech paper on WFWG311 file access.
RDR.ZIP 43,569 06-22-94 RDR - provides WIN31 and DOS workstationswith connectivity to Microsoft networks (WFW,Windows NT, LAN Manager). It uses SMB filesharing protocol and a NetBIOS interface.
RINGUT.ZIP 17,194 06-29-94 LAN Ring Utilization Utility
SKDLAN16.ZIP 379,813 03-24-94 SCHEDULAN: network-based scheduler/calendar.Designed to handle the complicated schedulingneeds of a busy LAN-based office. Everyone atevery workstation has complete access notonly to his own calendar, but also those of
his workmates (except for "private" events).Free time is easily found for one person or agroup, and potential scheduling conflicts arebrought to the user's attention. Much more!Automated Windows install included.
STICKY13.ZIP 99,014 01-08-94 Sticky v1.3 - Messaging system for Windows foWorkgroups that allows sending of small notesFeatures include: Broadcasting messages toentire workgroups, changing the note's font
and colour, loading and saving text from sentmessages. $21.00 per site. Beach FrontSoftware Company. VBRUN300.DLL required.
TIE22.ZIP 255,605 04-22-94 Teamwork Information Exchange (TIE) is acomplete multi-user system designed toprovide work groups with enhanced intra-groupcommunications, and improved time management,work flow and productivity. TIE combines
EMail, personal time scheduling, meetingscheduling, task management and personal todo lists into a single fully integratedsystem. Requires DOS 3.3 compatible network.
WFWDLC.ZIP 141,843 01-13-94 Windows For Workgroups Data Link ControlProtocol Module. From Microsoft DownloadService.
WFWHLP.ZIP 1223,080 02-24-94 Windows for Workgroups help system fromMicrosoft. Included much of tech support'sknowledge base, plus a search engine.
WFWPATCH.ZIP 39,124 01-04-94 The enclosed files are update files forWindows for Workgroups, Version 3.11. Theycorrect various problems encountered inspecial situations.
WFWPTP.ZIP 360,722 02-09-94 The Microsoft(R) Windows(TM) for Workgroups3.11 Point-to-Point Server enables your WFWG3.11 system to accept incoming calls fromother Remote Access clients. This allowsother people (or you, from home or the road)
to gain access to your shared resources fromany remote PC.
WFWTCP.ZIP 434,953 01-13-94 Windows for Workgroup TCP/IP protocol moduleFrom Microsoft Download Service.
WG0970.ZIP 8,001 01-04-94 VNETBIOS.386 Corrects Real-Mode TransportProblems (WFW311) Windows for Workgroups.
WG0971.ZIP 33,716 01-04-94 Windows for Workgroups VNETBIOS.386 CorrectsCORRECTION! NDIS2SUP.386 Corrects ProblemsRestarting Windows for Workgroups on TokenRing Machines. (WFW311).
WG0973.ZIP 7,526 01-04-94 Windows for Workgroups RMM.D32 CorrectsFive-Second Delay When Starting Windows-BasedApplications. (WFW311).
WMENUG.ZIP 186,464 06-20-94 WinMenu GE - is a corporate menu package formost all network systems running under WIN31.It provides authorized menu access for allusers based upon user group codes that youdefine. Features include icon-based program
launching, instant access to the screensaver, the ability to display network news atstartup,more.
WMS02B4.ZIP 136,229 06-21-94 WmServer 0.2 Beta - Mail server software forUUPC/Extended.
WNN_108.ZIP 64,255 03-27-94 Windows News for Networks v1.08 Helps networadministrators communicate system changes tonetwork users. When run, Windows News forNetworks will determine the proper action totake for each individual user.